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Keep them talking!

As an educator, you know the value of visiting the sites of our country’s history:  walking the Freedom Trail, touring the US Capitol, visiting the battlefields of Gettysburg.  Bringing your students to these meaningful places enhances their educational experience and…
Kenneth Minasian
September 8, 2015

Winter Woes

Our marching band client had traveled from Massachusetts to Orlando during their Christmas vacation.  Their 120+ member band had performed in parades in Walt Disney World’s Magic Kingdom and in Universal Studios.  The remainder of their time was spent enjoying…
Kenneth Minasian
June 17, 2014


Their trip to New York City had been in the planning stages for a few months and the itinerary was nearly complete as the departure date approached. Then we were asked, “Do you think it would be possible to do…
Kenneth Minasian
May 30, 2014

The Senior Class trip, revisited

Your Senior Class students have been looking forward to this year for a long time!  And now that it's here, there aren't enough days in the week for their activities:  Homecoming, Spirit Week, Prom, Graduation .... and don't forget schoolwork…
Kenneth Minasian
May 13, 2014
Good Service Makes the Difference
Planning Your Trip

What’s the Bottom Line?

If you are responsible for planning a student tour of any kind, you quickly find yourself engulfed by a number of questions: what's the primary purpose of our trip? How shall we select a destination? What are our travel dates?…
Kenneth Minasian
April 21, 2014