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If you are responsible for planning a student tour of any kind, you quickly find yourself engulfed by a number of questions: what’s the primary purpose of our trip? How shall we select a destination? What are our travel dates? How many students will be going? How can we get the students excited about the trip? How many chaperones will we need? What kind of fundraising will we do? How much will it cost??? Often that’s the first question trip coordinators bring to us. They generally have a good sense of their objectives and frequently have narrowed down their possible destinations or can state it with certainty. Usually there’s a rough idea of how many students will take part, and school policies may dictate the number of adults who will accompany them. The issue of cost is usually summed up in one line: “who can give us the best price?”

But ‘price’ and ‘value’ are not synonyms. If the lowest price won’t deliver you the trip that you want, then you aren’t receiving good value for the money you’re paying. We respect the investment your students and their families are making in their trip and our packages are designed to provide the quality experience that you expect and they deserve.So we’d like to give you a few more questions to consider:

What experience does this tour operator have in conducting trips like ours? What recommendations are they making that we may not have yet considered? What is the quality of the hotels they use? What is their level of professionalism, as manifested by their website, written, and spoken communication? If the unexpected happens, how equipped are they to deal with it?

What’s the bottom line? Your trip is our trip, and we’re not satisfied with anything less than your satisfaction.

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